Hello! This is my homepage, you can learn a bit about me and my projects here!
I’m just a Unix enthusiast that loves to tinker with my system.
My Hobbies are modding games and hardware, writing software, finding security vulnerabilities in software, playing the piano, learning and helping others learn, gardening, and caring for animals!
Incase you couldn’t tell, I love the color purple!
From the ages of 9-10 I used to work on a utility for Windows that had the goal of being a package manager (because I thought keeping software up to date was hard), command-line privelage escalation tool (because I didn’t like the runas syntax), and introducing aliases (because I was annoyed that windows didn’t have them)
The funny thing about this all is that I had no idea that Linux and Bash existed back then, so I was basically reinventing the wheel without realizing it. Of course -being a 9 year old- my implementations were… impressively bad- …but it’s something I frequently look back on and laugh about because back when I still used Windows, I was trying to use it like it was a Unix system.
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